How to make conference calls far less painful for everyone

I am yet to meet anyone who likes taking part in a conference call. But events and circumstance can sometimes make them a necessity. 


We have all been witness to, or part of, unfocussed or unproductive calls wasting time, money and goodwill. 


From technology failures and signal problems to awful phone etiquette and bad manners, conference calls all too often come hand-in-hand with a range of limiting factors to good communication. 


Here then is a cut out and keep guide if you are chairing a call to making them far less painful and far more productive. And don’t forget to press ‘mute’…


-If you are ‘on time’ you are late

Hanging around waiting for a conference call to start is energy sapping and awkward in equal measure. If leading the meeting do so by example, call in early and be ready to begin working through the agenda bang on time. 


-Keep your invite list focussed 

This rule applies to all meetings but for remote conference and video calls even more so. Only invite those who will help make the decisions and drive the action you want. Make sure everyone knows why they are on the call. 


-Engage with everyone 

Begin the call with a quick check-in so that everyone feels part of a team instead of a collection of far-away voices. Then ask specific people for input throughout the call to keep them engaged and help them feel involved. 


-Make your agenda an action plan 

List agenda items as questions to be answered or decided upon and (of course) share these ahead of time alongside any necessary pre-reading. Have sub-questions if necessary, to really focus on what matters and help those on the call follow the agenda from start to finish. 


-Stand and deliver 

Sitting down reduces blood flow and prevents us opening up our voices properly. Standing up will help you with your energy levels and may also lead you to keep the meeting short. 


-Do not multi-task 

You wouldn’t check social media or your emails while in a face-to-face meeting, would you? 


-Think: energy

Begin with intent and keep the conversation moving. Make sure everyone communicates with brevity and step in if anyone is dominating the call. People should leave the call with more energy than they started with. 



Remember: meetings exist to help you get things done

Share the actions quickly after the call is finished and make your conference calls an energy booster for your whole team.