Today, tomorrow and every day after that. Build story into how you communicate. This will help you build connections with others.
Understanding what the right story is for any given context will help you to build a deeper connection with the people that matter. Now and in the future.
When you are preparing for your next Communication Moment whether a team meeting, presentation or annual review use this simple, focussed process to pay better attention to what you are doing, the results you are getting and what to work on in the future.
If you are asking people to give up their time to join a webinar then make it worthwhile for them and you. By following these 5 steps you will be well on your way to success.
Doing something that is hard and discovering that you are not yet good at it is one thing. Committing to and following a process to improve is another – and separates the best from the rest.
Make sure that you are having the same type of conversation and at the same time. Your inputs to the conversation will be aligned with what the other person needs, you will connect and your conversation will be effective.
Instead of people failing to understand a subject in enough detail, the barrier to good communication is frequently the (huge) depth of understanding itself or a desire to sound clever.