Why do the very best perform at their best time after time? 

What do top footballers do before a game? 


They go through extensive and intricate individual and team exercises to get ready for the game and warm up. 


What does a cyclist competing in the Tour de France do before they ride an individual time trial? 


They ride the course. Then will sit on their turbo trainer (a device that enables them to ride a bike while stationary) to raise their heart rate and warm up. 


What does a rock band do before they head out on stage to perform in front of thousands of people? 


In addition to individual exercises such as loosening fingers they will go over key sections of songs together, key changes and warm up. 


What do you do before you start a presentation, are about to chair an important meeting, or have a crucial conference call you need to dial in to? 


Warm up? 


I hope so. But from my experience you probably don’t. 


Why do the very best perform at their best time after time? 


Because they warm themselves up before not during a performance. 


Imagine a premier league football team playing without warming up? They would be two-nil down in minutes. 


A cyclist not warming up would be miles behind their rivals.


Ask yourself what you need to do before your next pitch, presentation or other big thing to warm yourself up.  


Then you will perform at your very best right from the start.