Books to help you get better in 2020

It is the time of year when you might begin to reflect on what you have achieved over the last 12 months. 


What has gone well. And less well. 


How you might like to improve how you do things in 2020. 


I advocate to all my clients the benefit of having a Pre-Performance Plan. Quite simply this is a way to ready yourself so you do the very best you can. 


A Pre-Performance Plan is personal to you. It deals with your barriers to good performance and helps you maximise your strengths. 


As a way for you to begin to build a Pre-Performance Plan for the year ahead I thought I would share with you some brilliant books I feel will equally help and inspire you. 


They are perfect affordable gifts to put on your Christmas list. All will have a lasting impact. 


Specifically, these books will help you deal with areas of potential development, eradicate potential barriers to good performance, and maximise potential areas of growth. 



If you want to live a calmer, more focussed life… 

Stillness is the Key by Ryan Holiday


If you want to eradicate bad habits and build good ones…

Atomic Habits by James Clear 


If you want to build an ethical business…

The Ethical Business Book by Sarah Duncan 


If you want to pursue a new passion without becoming an obsessive…

Passion Paradox by Brad Stulberg & Steve Magness 


If you want greater purpose in what you do…

Start With Why? by Simon Sinek 


If you want to be more positive about the world you live in…

Factfulness: Ten Reasons why we’re wrong about the world – and why things are better than you think  by Hans Rosling


If you want to be a better leader…

Leadership in Turbulent Times by Doris Kearns Goodwin 


If you want to be inspired to get a little bit better every day…

Make Your Bed by Admiral William McRaven 



I hope Father Christmas is kind to you this year. 


Your preparation for 2020 starts here!