How to communicate confidence when you're scared as hell

With the televised Conservative debates in the UK this week there has been increased interest in body language as a part of how we communicate. 


Body language is easy to get wrong.

Poor body language can hurt how you are perceived. It can stop you getting heard.

It can be a block to motivating people to take the action you want. 


Equally, many get unnecessarily hung up on body language.

Analysing and tweaking every small movement and gesture they make. Instead of this helping them it becomes a limiting factor to good performance. No one wants to look like a robot do they…


Here then are three simple things you can do when put under pressure that will signal confidence to your audience (maybe your boss, a potential client, a journalist…). 


By doing this you are communicating that you are relaxed and confident - when you may be feeling the exact opposite.  


Lean in

When we you are uncomfortable with someone, dislike them or what they are saying you will naturally lean away from them. 


A powerful way to hide your discomfort or disagreement is to lean towards them. 


By doing this gently and slowly – you’re not aiming for an aggressive movement – you will signal either agreement or that you are actively contemplating what they are saying to you. 


Keep moving 

The human brain developed a long time ago an understanding that movement attracts attention. When faced with a potential threat or danger you might freeze or, at least, reduce the amount you are moving. 


In face-to-face situations a sudden change like this can be noticeable even to the untrained eye. Instead keep breathing and keep moving just be careful not to fidget – another sign of your unease. 


Mirror your audience

When you don’t want to be somewhere the way your feet point, where you are looking and what your hands are doing can be an obvious signal. 


If you find yourself feeling this is happening to you, don’t over-think what your body language is communicating instead focus on mirroring your audience. What are they doing with their head, hands, arms, legs that you can calmly mirror?  


In doing so you will show a level of comfort you may not be feeling inside. 


Give this a try and I hope it helps get you through the next difficult conversation you may face.