What are your limiting factors?

High performing teams are unlikely to be in this position due to luck. 


They will work hard at a range of things including building trust, strong communication and well rehearsed ways of working. This is true from world-class sports teams to musical groups via the elite of the armed forces.  


They will also be aware of any limiting factors in existence that they need to avoid or eradicate before they can deliver the performance they have been training for. 


Limiting factors to good communication or performance surround us every day, not just for the big set piece moments or showcase events. 


Getting into the habit of identifying, then avoiding or eradicating them in your every day ways of working – whether as an individual or as a team – will help you improve how you perform in the longer term.


First, how do you want to improve your performance or what communication challenge do you want to overcome?


Second, what limiting factors are there that will stop you achieving this goal? 


Limiting factors could be:

·     Using language that is focussed on you not your audience

·     A habit of checking social media 

·     Poor diary management 

·     Getting nervous before delivering a presentation

·     A lack of awareness of how you are perceived by people when you first meet

·     Multi-tasking 


Ask yourself today, how you want to improve and what limiting factors will stop you achieving that goal. 


Then, after identifying the limiting factors design a strategy to avoid or eradicate them from your day-to-day work.