What question do you NOT want to be asked?

We all find ourselves in situations where we are asked a question we really would prefer not to answer. 


Media interviews, performance appraisals, Q&As, fireside chats, pitches, job interviews…the list goes on and on. 


Isn’t it funny that so many of us know this question in advance yet refuse to prepare for it? 


Sometimes through hubris – a belief that we can wing it. More often than not, it is a reluctance to do the work necessary to prepare properly. 


When I am working with coaching clients I am amazed how often people say, ‘oh, I hoped you wouldn’t ask me that…’ 


Earlier this week I overheard a group of teenagers from one of the best state schools in the country who had just completed an exam. They would have been well prepared. Yet, all agreed that they had been set a question they really wanted to avoid. 


So, what’s your exam question? 


Ahead of your next big thing ask yourself “what question do I NOT want to be asked?” then, instead of ignoring it do your preparation and prepare your answer. 


There may be more than one. If so, write down all the questions and ALL the answers. 


That way, when the dreaded question you hoped you never got inevitably comes up you will be ready for it.