How to END your next presentation

I have advised you how not to finish a presentation


Now I will help you to do it right. To make sure you END right. 


You will finish your presentation with a bang not a whimper.


A flourish not a flop. 


You will deliver a proper purposeful ending, rather than an ending that sucks the energy out of the room. 


First, ask yourself what you would like your audience to feel after you have finished speaking. 


Whatever emotion or feeling you are aiming for in your audience you will need to make sure you ENLIVEN them. 


Second, think where your audience might have doubts about what you have just presented, your arguments or your credibility. 


You will need to NEGATE these doubts


Finally, think what action do you want your audience to take


If it is to invest in your business, tell them how they can do this. 


If it is to buy your products or services give them a range of options to choose from. 


Your aim is to DRIVE them to take the action you want.  


Put yourself in the shoes of your audience (when drafting your presentation, you should have been doing this anyway but always good to ‘slip those shoes on’ again). 


Now, instead of saying ‘thank you’ or asking for ‘any questions’, make sure you finish in the right way.

Think: END




nliven your audience

egate their doubts

rive them to take action


And watch how your presentations start to persuade, motivate and inspire your audience in the way you have always wanted.