What's your communication goal for 2020?

Have you included how you communicate as one of your resolutions for 2020? 


If you haven’t, you should. 


How we communicate can be the foundation of better performance at work and improved happiness in life more broadly. 


Communication helps make great teams. 


Communication builds strong cultures. 


Communication is at the heart of lasting friendships, partnerships and other relationships. 


Communication is how we sell, pitch, persuade and inspire. 


Communication is how we motivate, teach and develop others. 


If you want to grow your business, secure a promotion, move to a better job communication will help you achieve it. 


Now, alongside your new diet, exercise plan and other health-focussed resolution think about how changing your communication habits will help you in the year ahead (and beyond). 


Remember: whatever you decide to pursue consistency is the key. 


Short-termism does not lead to mastery. 


Hacks do not create elite performers. 


Following a process (and investing time, energy and resource to this) will help you. 


Good luck and let me know if I can help.