Identify the real essence of your story

You are an expert about your job, your business, your campaign. 


Because you are an expert you know everything there is to know about every aspect of what you do. 


This is a problem. A limiting factor to good communication. A block to being understood.

And is something I see time and again. 


People passionate about their work, great at their job, but lacking in the necessary skills to explain to their key audiences what they do (and why they should buy their product or service). 


What needs to happen is that you focus on the essence – or what actually matters – of your story. 


But how? 


A simple technique to drilling down into what matters is to find a willing partner to listen to your story. 


Your partner will then listen to you deliver your story in longform.

Your aim is to be as emotive and as full as feeling as you can muster. Don’t go full Hollywood but do put on a bit of a performance and demonstrate that this story matters to you. 


Your partner will then reduce your story to:

·     A few sentences

·     One sentence

·     A short phrase (three or four words)

·     A word 


This then is the bare bones of your current story


Does it match your expectations? What is missing? What needs to change? 


How will you build it back up again from here so it will motivate the action in your audiences you want in future? 


Give it a try.

If you need a willing partner to listen to your story…you know where to find me. 


Good luck.