The first step to crafting a winning message

As any regular reader will know, putting yourself in someone else’s shoes is essential for good communication and crafting a winning message.


It is essential in deciding how you will deliver your message (phone call, e-mail, presentation, meeting…)


It is essential for motivating people to take the action you want from your communication. 


It is essential in deciding what tone you will take. 


It is essential in helping you choose the right language to really make a connection. 


And yet, too many don’t get this simple first step right. They don’t actually put themselves in someone else’s shoes at all. 


They don’t think about an individual person, they think about groups of people. 


They think on an organisational scale. They think about whole industries, entire towns or cities, or (heaven forbid) the ‘general public’. 


If you are trying to put yourself in too many people’s shoes at once you will fail. Your message will be too generic. You will fail to connect. 


That is why the first step to crafting a winning message is to think about an individual person – and one pair of shoes. 


What is it that you can help them with? How will you make their life better? Why will they listen to you? 


If you are struggling with this and finding it hard to think then close your eyes and imagine your target audience. 


Give them a name. Put them in a situation that brings their work and challenges they face to life in stunning technicolour.

Decide what kind of shoes they wear. 


Then, imagine a conversation with them. 


What are you going to say? 


What’s your message that will motivate the action you want?