Make Every Moment Count

I love the idea that life is a collection of moments.


This is a particularly useful way to focus on improving how you communicate.


Every team meeting, every panel discussion, every phone call, every presentation, every media appearance, every sales meeting, every e-mail, every pitch, every speech, every town hall…


Every single Communication Moment is an opportunity to get a little better.


Or think about it this way.


Every time you communicate it will carry your ‘signature’ or personal brand to others.


Approach every single moment in the right way and, over time, these Communication Moments will build. Done well and the way you are perceived will be enhanced.


Yet too few invest time and energy consistently so that their communication skills grow.


It is like saving regularly. Small amounts over time grow. Add in the compound interest and you start to see much bigger gains.


Instead, most people put a big effort into one higher profile or more important Communication Moment (annual conference, pitch to investors, business all-hands meeting, TV interview…) every now and again, which is frequently when I get called in to help.


In between these occasional big moments they go through the motions. Bounce from meeting to meeting without intent. And repeat….


But small, consistent efforts over time will lead to more sustainable progress than one single Herculean push.


To help you in the year ahead try this:


Engage Your Audience

Every Communication Moment starts with your audience so put yourself in their shoes. Pro tip: close your eyes and think of one person. What language, examples, stories, facts, tone would you use to speak to them if they were sat opposite you?


Mission Focussed

Know why you are communicating. To make sure you are focussed on your audience know what you want them to think, how you want them to feel and (most important of all) do.


Power Up Your Content

How can you make what you are saying stand out and be truly memorable?


Amplify Your Message

Aim to create limitless understanding and deep connections while removing barriers. Do this by simplifying, chunking content and telling stories.



Self-awareness will help you perform better and understand what you need to work on to become a better communicator. Having a great support team will help you go to the next level too.


Higher Performance

Be deliberate with your practice. Invest time, energy and any resources you may need to help you practice well, evaluate how you are doing and then make changes to get even better.


Your Journey

Build your own process for long-term and sustained success. What do you do well that you can build on? Ask others if there is something you should stop doing? And what could you try that is new to build a better connection with your audience, so you get the results you want?



Go for it! Make every Communication Moment count in 2025.