Your final checklist before you speak

Like a flight crew running through their final checks before take-off, having your own check list before you speak or present is a very good idea. 


There is a danger however that, in the last few moments before performing, you get drawn into mumbling to yourself your first few lines.


Worse than this might be fretting about that section where you always seem to get a bit stuck. 


At this stage you should be in the last stages of your pre-performance plan. 


Your jump off line– the first thing you are going to say – will be honed to perfection. 


You have your breathing set. 


The butterflies in your stomach are reminding you what a great opportunity this is for you. 


You will have rehearsed in as live an environment as possible. 


You are ready. 


Now focus on your performance. 


To do this think: 




Eyes – make eye contact early and keep making eye contact. You are talking to people in your audience rather than the room in which your audience happen to be sat. 


Teeth – smile and make your audience smile. Begin with a smile – you are very happy to be there. End with a smile. At the very least. And remember, with a genuine smile, you see people’s teeth. 


Heart – make sure you are truly connecting by appealing to your audiences’ emotions. Use stories and relevant examples to put yourself in the shoes of who you are talking to. 


Feet – all good communication motivates people to take action. So, what action do you want your audience to take? How are you going to make sure they use their feet to take this action?


Go through this simple checklist immediately prior to performing and see how your performance improves.